Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Effectiveness of a Multicultural and Bilingual Education

The Effectiveness of a Multicultural and Bilingual Education 1 There is a lot of controversy concerning our public educational programs. Opinions and lifestyles differ; [-- often] Often what is beneficial for one group of people is counterproductive for another group. Educational issues are complex and sensitive; [-- therefore] Therefore, we must analyze both sides of the issue before we make a decision. Two controversial issues in todays public educational program are multicultural and bilingual education. 2 Some experts believe there are many benefits we, as Americans, can experience in a multicultural education. James A Banks states; An education that reflects the experiences of a nation across its racial, gender and†¦show more content†¦Learning and understanding their culture is one way of uniting our nation. [Combine with previous paragraph?] 4 There are other experts that [who] believe multicultural education is counterproductive to American education. Thomas J Famularo, a former English instructor for the City University of New York argues that multiculturalism is harmful because it does not dive deep enough into the individual cultures. This type of curricula doesn?t give us a united American culture; Instead, it divides us into groups according to our race, gender and social class. Famularo states; Such curricula results in a decline of educational quality (103). Experts claim [whose authority?] these divisions will pull our nation even further apart and take the emphasis off our traditional values of family; Church and school then turn to race, gender and sexual preference (Famularo 104). 5 According to Famularo, two fatal flaws undermine multicultural education. The first is that the more the curriculum represents a multicultural test based upon exposure to diversity the more shallow and superficial learning becomes. The second fatal flaw is that it necessarily precludes the single most important requirement for successful education- [--] coherent means to a discernible end (106). Linda Chaves states; If we allow race and ethnic [ ethnicity -- inacurrate quotation] to determine public policy, we invite the kind of cleavagesShow MoreRelated Education Values Essays780 Words   |  4 PagesThree areas in particular that have been eliciting much discussion are bilingual education programs, services within schools for gay and lesbian students, and inclusion of multicultural curricula. 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The bilingual education system is designed for students to become proficient in English, and also encourage students to become bi-cultural; and function in two, or more linguistic and cultural groups. The policy expressed U.S commitment to the needs of the growing number of children in the publicRead MoreThe District Handbook1897 Words   |  8 Pagesextra language by explaining that dual language is a form of enriched education and that learning two languages has many cognitive benefits as evidenced by research that has shown how students who participate in Dual Language programs outperform their peers on standardized tests. A full range of services are provided to meet individual needs. One of these services, English as a Second Language, provides support in general education classrooms for students whose first language is not English. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Importance Of A Woman - 578 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Society has always placed a great emphasis upon the importance of a woman’s appearance, and through that emphasis women have instinctively been taught to measure their self-worth in terms of the image they present, even more so than their intelligence. They have been given rigid and challenging standards to live up to, standards that are usually unrealistic, unattainable, and disheartening. Many women spend a large majority of their lives suffering trying to meet these standards. The ideal body image in this country today seems to be the long-haired 5’7†, 95 lb female found in every fashion magazine, every sitcom and every movie you will ever see. However, many women at 5’7† could starve themselves for their†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Standards for a woman’s appearance were obviously set by men, for men. Women have been suffering since the beginning of time trying to please these men, fixing their hair every morning, wearing girdles, cooking for them, cleaning for them, etc. Apparently, according to history and fashion magazines, the only acceptable way to be a true woman, a woman who can gain the acceptance of a man, is to be perfect. For this reason, modern society has made a business out of a woman’s need for perfection. For instance, â€Å"airbrushing,† or â€Å"retouching†, a computer technique used in the photography industry to hide imperfections (such as pimples) has been added to all applications for student pictures. It is also used in fashion magazines to reshape the thighs of already near-perfect supermodels. The cosmetic industry is one of the most profitable in the world. A business has been made out of products to accent the eyes, the cheeks, and to hide â€Å"blemishes.† â€Å"Cellulite creams,† overpriced products claiming to reduce the appearance of fat have been added to the market, along with wrinkle creams and biki ni waxes. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Despite the fact that society and the media have sent the message to today’s women that self-esteem should be based upon image, women have still made notable advances on the fashion front within the past century. Women no longer have to wear skirts or dresses every day, and pants haveShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Woman in the Iliad684 Words   |  3 Pagesbicker over Briseis, a war prize that neither man particularly values. Agamemnon eventually returns her to Achilles with the admission that he never actually coupled with her; Achilles is less-than-enthused to have her back. 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She began publishing her works in 1968, a volume of poetry called First Cities. Throughout her life, she was a poet, author, feminist, and civil rights activist. Most of her works explored the concept of being a black woman in this society; therefore her literatureRead MoreOscar Wilde s A Woman Of No Importance1057 Words   |  5 PagesOscar Wilde’s A Woman of No Importance, written and published in 1893, a witty melodrama that challenges morality, piety, and depicts gender inequalities in the Victorian Era. Critics deemed A Woman of No Importance as being on the, â€Å"weakest of the plays Wilde wrote,† 1 of the 19th Century because was described as being very shocking and unpleasant to theatergoers of this time for questioning the gender inequalities of the era. Moreover, this play is characterized as being a sentimental comedy whereRead MoreThe Importance Of A Woman Breastfeeding Her Baby Essay1640 Words   |  7 Pageswhether they have a desire to breastfeed or not. This can be followed up with digesting related information and advice given by midwives aiding into making the right decision. The intention of this essay is to justify in depth the significance of a woman breastfeeding her baby, conducting the benefits of both perspectives of the mother and baby. These benefits will be established, outlining the reason as to why breastfeeding is more effective. This will be done by covering topics such as existing nutrientsRead MoreThe Importance Of Not Wearing Makeup For A Woman s Beauty Essay1530 Words   |  7 PagesThe purpose of this research is to explain the importance of not wearing makeup. The importance of makeup in a woman’s everyday life is somewhat part of their being. However, this research will tackle how momentous it is not to wear one. The damage can cause to one’s skin, carcinogen and toxins in the products, and no makeup shows a woman’s natural beauty. These claims are what make it very important that women don’t need to wear makeup. 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Our social taboos are no doubt unabashedly responsible, other than a woman’s own perspective like being a complete woman – who procreates a life, is widely taken to be foremost and significant, apart then old age blues, melancholic atmosphere, despondency and much more. From my adulthood, I tooRead MoreOscar Wildes Presentation of Woman in a Woman of No Importance in Comparison to John Fowles Veiws of Women in the French Lieutenants Woman1647 Words   |  7 PagesOscar Wildes presentation of women in A Woman of No Importance in comparison to John Fowles views of women in The French Lieutenants Woman, in light of the view that Oscar Wilde has a more sympathetic view of woman in his time. In this essay I will be comparing Oscar Wildes play A Woman of No Importance to John Fowles novel The French Lieutenants Woman. I will be exploring their differing views of woman in Victorian society. Generally, woman were viewed as inferior to men, yet Wilde

Tybcom Exam Time Table Free Essays

(203) FIRST HALF 2012 ( Unique Exam Code 22300001) PROGRAMME OF THE THIRD YEAR B. COM. (THREE YEAR DEGREE COURSE) EXAMINATION Candidates for the above examination are requested to be in attendance at the place of examination, fifteen minutes before the time appointed for setting of the first paper and ten minutes before the time fixed for setting of each subsequent paper. We will write a custom essay sample on Tybcom Exam Time Table or any similar topic only for you Order Now THEY ARE FORBIDDEN TO TAKE ANY BOOK OR PAPER INTO THE EXAMINATION HALL. Seat numbers and places of examination will be announced on the college notice boards four days prior to the date of commencement of the examination. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the examination hall. The written examination will be conducted in the following order :- Days and Dates Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Time Paper 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Financial Accounting Auditing : Paper-III – Financial (FOR FRESH Accounting. CANDIDATES Economics – Paper III APPEARED FIRST TIME FOR T. Y. B. COM. EXAM) Business Management : Paper III- Management Organisation Development. Commerce: Paper III International Business Relations. IIIQuantitative Techniques : Paper III-Mathematical Methods. Banking Finance : Paper III- Introduction to Banking in India. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Financial Accounting Auditing : Paper-III – Financial (REPEATERS I. D. E. STUDENTS) Accounting. Economics – Paper III Business Management : Paper III- Management Organisation Development. Commerce: Paper III- International Business Relations. Quantitative Techniques : Paper III-Mathematical Methods. Banking Finance : Paper III- Introduction to Banking in India. Thursday, March 22, 2012 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Financial Accounting Auditing : Paper IV-Audition (FOR FRESH and Cost Accounting. CANDIDATES APPEARED FIRST TIME Economics – Paper IV. FOR T. Y. B. COM. EXAM) Business Management : Paper IV – Financial Management. Commerce : Paper IV – Management of Service Industry. Quantitative Techniques : Paper IV – Statistical Methods. Banking Finance : Paper IV – Introduction to Financial Services. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Financial Accounting Auditing : Paper IV-Audition (REPEATERS I. D. E. and Cost Accounting. STUDENTS) Economics – Paper IV. Business Management : Paper IV – Financial Management. 2 Days and Dates Thursday, March 22, 2012 Time Paper 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Commerce : Paper IV – Management of Service (REPEATERS I. D. E. STUDENTS) Industry. Saturday, March 24, 2012 Quantitative Techniques : Paper IV – Statistical Methods. Banking Finance : Paper IV – Introduction to Financial Services. 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Financial Accounting Auditing : Paper V(FOR FRESH Management Accounting etc. CANDIDATES Economics – Paper V APPEARED FIRST TIME FOR T. Y. B. COM. EXAM) Business Management: Paper V-Marketing Management. Commerce: Paper V-Commercial Administration. Quantitative Techniques: Paper V- Operations Research, Quality Control Reliability. Banking Finance: Paper V- Finance of Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Financial Accounting Auditing : Paper V- Monday, March 26, 2012 Management Accounting etc. Economics – Paper V Business Management: Paper V-Marketing g p g Management. Commerce: Paper V-Commercial Administration. Quantitative Techniques: Paper V- Operations Research, Quality Control Reliability. Banking Finance: Paper V- Finance of Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange 11:00 a. to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper – VI/VII Direct and Indirect Taxes. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Direct and Indirect Taxes. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Direct and Indirect Taxes. 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Business Economics. : Paper III. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Business Economics. : Paper III. (REPEATERS I. D. E. STUDENTS) Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Wednesday, March 28, 2012 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Comm erce : Paper III –Marketing and Human Resource Management. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Commerce : Paper III – Management and Production Thursday, March 29, 2012 Planning. (OLD) Commerce : Paper III –Marketing and Human Resource Management (REV) 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper – VI/VII Export Marketing. Vocational Subjects : Paper VI – Tourism and Travel Management – Emerging Concepts for Effective Tourism Development and Information, Communication and Automation (V) Tax Procedures and Practice – Central Excise (V) Advertising Sale Promotion Sales ManagementManagement of the Sales Force, Sales Promotion and Public Relations (V) Computer Application – Java Programming I II Foreign Trade Procedures and Practice – Shipping and Insurance Foreign Trade Documentation (V) 3 Days and Dates Thursday, March 29, 2012 Time Paper 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Principles Practice of Insurance – Property and Liability Insurance (V) 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper – VI/VII Export Marketing (OLD) Export Marketing (REV) 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Export Marketing Vocational Subjects : Paper VI – Tourism and Travel Management – Emerging Concepts for Effective Tourism Development and Information, Communication and Automation (V) Tax Procedures and Practice – Central Excise (V) Advertising Sale Promotion Sales ManagementManagement of the Sales Force, Sales Promotion and Public Relations (V) Computer Application – Java Programming I II Foreign Trade Procedures and Practice – Shipping and Insurance Foreign Trade Documentation (V) Principles Practice of Insurance – Property and Liability Insurance (V) 11:00 a. to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII Business Insurance. Computer Systems and Applications Literature in English 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII Friday, March 30, 2012 Business Insurance (OLD) Business Insurance (REV) 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Business Insurance 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Computer Systems and Applications Saturday, March 31, 2012 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Literature in English 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII- Labour Welfare Practice Psychology of Human Behaviour at work Vocaitonal Subjects : Paper VII- Tourism and Travel Manangement – Entrepreneurship Development, Case Studies and Problems etc (VI) Tax Procedures and Practice – Enterpreneurship, Central Excise, Problem etc. (VI) Advertising Sales Promotion and Sales Management – Enterpreneurship Development, Case Studies etc (VI) Computer Application – E-Commerce/ Entrepreneurship Development Foreign Trade Procedures and PracticePractice Entrepreneurship, Case Studies etc. VI) Principles and Practice of Insurance – Entrepreneurship and Group Insurance and Retirement Benefit Scheme (VI) 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII- Labour Welfare Practice. 4 Days and Dates Saturday, March 31, 2012 Time Paper 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Labour Welfare Practice Psychology of Human Behaviour at work Vocaitonal Subjects : Paper VII- Tourism and Travel Manangement – Entrepreneurship Development, Case Studies and Problems etc (VI) Tax Procedures and Practice – Enterpreneurship, Central Excise, Problem etc. VI) Advertising Sales Promotion and Sales Management – Enterpreneurship Development, Case Studies etc (VI) Computer Application – E-Commerce/ Entrepreneurship Development Foreign Trade Procedures and PracticeEntrepreneurship, Case Studies etc. (VI) Principles and Practice of Insurance – Entrepreneurship and Group Insurance and Retirement Benefit Scheme (VI) Monday, Monday April 02, 2012 02 11:00 a m to 01:00 p m A li d C a. m p. m. Applied Component G t Group : P Paper VI/VII Marketing Research. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Marketing Research (OLD) Marketing Research (REV) 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Marketing Research Tuesday, April 03, 2012 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII- Inventory Management and Cost Reduction Techniques Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations Investment Analysis Portfolio Management International Marketing Regional Planning Literature in Hindi. Literature in Gujarati Literature in French Literature in German Literature in Sindhi 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII- Inventory Management and Cost Reduction Techniques 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. . Inventory Management and Cost Reduction Techniques 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations p 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Investment Analysis Portfolio Management 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Investment Analysis Portfolio Management 5 Days and Dates Tuesday, April 03, 2012 Time 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. International Marketing. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. International Marketing. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Regional Planning. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Regional Planning Paper 11:00 a. to 02:00 p. m. Literature in Hindi (OLD) Wednesday, April 04, 2012 Literature in Hindi (REV) Literature in Gujarati Literature in French Literature in German Literature in Sindhi 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Banking Law Practice Purchasing and Store Keeping Rural Marketing 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Banking Law Practice 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Banking Law Practice 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Purchasing and Store Keeping (OLD) 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Purchasing and Store Keeping (REV) 11:00 a m to 02:00 p m P a. m p. m. Purchasing and Store K h i d St Keeping i 11:00 a. to 01:30 p. m. Rural Marketing 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Rural Marketing Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII- Enterpreneurship M. S. S. I . Transport Management. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Enterpreneurship M. S. S. I (OLD) Enterpreneurship M. S. S. I (REV) 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Entrepreneurship M. S. S. I. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Transport Management 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Transport Management Monday, April 09, 2012 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Merchant Banking Literature in Marathi Literature in Urdu. Elements of Operations Research 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Merchant Banking Literature in Marathi Literature in Urdu. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Elements of Operations Research 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Elements of Operations Research IMPORTANT NOTICE: STUDENTS ENROLLED IN THE COLLEGES (OTHER THAN I. D. O. L) FOR T. Y. B. COM. PRIOR TO THE YEAR 2006-2007 AND STUDENTS ENROLLED THROUGH THE INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE AND OPEN LEARNING THE DURATION OF ALL THE APPLIED COMPONENT SUBJECTS WILL LEARNING. BE OF 3HRS. MUMBAI- 400 098. th 24 November, 2011 PROF. VILAS B. SHINDE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS How to cite Tybcom Exam Time Table, Essays